We all need a little help sometimes, especially when it comes to journeys of self-discovery. Whether your goal is to be more confident or to find fulfillment in a passion project. It can be pretty tough to figure out how to get from point A (identifying a goal) to point B (actually going after and achieving that goal). That’s where a life coach comes in.
It’s not a coach’s role to impart wisdom but rather to facilitate the client’s own process of connecting to their inner wisdom, and making choices about their actions and next steps from that place of connection. In that sense, a coach is an unbiased brainstorming partner.
As a life coach, I would focus on what’s happening right now with you, what you want next, and how that gap can be bridged.
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Know your Coach
Karanjot is a Certified Life Coach based in Lucknow and is working towards her ACC credentials from International Coaching Federation (ICF). She helps her clients live life, by filling the gap between where they are now, and where they want to be. By identifying where growth is desired, setting goals and objectives, and holding accountability.
Karanjot is passionate in helping people find direction and true happiness in all aspects of their lives. She helps her clients reach each milestone, one at a time, with an ultimate end goal of satisfaction and success.
“You are born with unique talents, motivations, and desires. I coach to bring those amazing qualities in alignment with your goals and accomplish them. We all have the light within us, all that is needed is to gain awareness and tap in our true potential.”
– Karanjot Kaur
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